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Hey it's jewels

Ekte Studio + Workshop houses the creative works of artist and maker Julie Nixon. Here you will find a variety of lovely goods made by hand, from textiles and concrete to original paintings.

Hello friend! I am an artist living my best life in the windy oceanside city of Victoria, BC. Nature's perfect designs inspire me more than anything else. Nature is my holy temple and I honour her each and every day. The colours, shapes and textures of the ocean, forests and landscapes are subtly integrated into my work. You'll notice strong nods to Scandinavian design: functional, minimalist and honest, yet imbued with a cheerful aesthetic and warmth through my choices of material, hue, pattern and finish. My interest in exploring contradictory materials and colour lies in my innate desire to question, experiment and find delight in the ordinary. My work is driven by the desire to create beautiful things that will bring joy for lifetimes.

My intention is to add original works every couple weeks so please visit often or sign up for my newsletter using the form below. I am available for custom workdrop me a line if you have something in mind.


I grew up in the Fraser Valley and moved to Vancouver Island in 1993 to attend the University of Victoria, where I earned a BA in English and a Professional Writing diploma. Years later I completed the Professional Photography Diploma from Western Academy. My past careers include freelance writer, blogger, magazine and book editor, wedding and portrait photographer, and office administrator. I have always been an artist at heart, searching for a special something that sparked a passion in me that couldn't be extinguished. I love making all the things! It took almost two decades to realize that I can incorporate all of my interests into one business. So here I am. ❤️